While Jesus was on earth, He lived a life that very clearly said, “Everyone can be friends with Me!” While not everyone took Him up on His invitation, those that did were changed forever in the best way. That is why we are teaching preschoolers that no matter what kind of shoes we wear, everyone can be friends with Jesus. We can be friends with Jesus no how young or old. We can be friends with Jesus wherever we live and whatever language we speak. We can be friends with Jesus no matter how much money and education we have. There are no special requirements to be friends with Jesus. It’s a come as you are kind of friendship that lasts forever. Everyone can put on their shoes and follow Jesus because everyone can be friends with Jesus.
January Curriculum:
Week One (March 6)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus says, “Follow
me.” Andrew & Peter;
James & John • Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11
Memory Verse: “‘Come and follow me,’ Jesus said.” Matthew
4:19, NIrV
Key Question: Who can be friends with Jesus?
Bottom Line: Everyone
can be friends with Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus says, “Follow Me.” Week one, Jesus begins gathering those who would become His inner circle, His closest friends—the disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the religious leaders. He didn’t go to the kings. He went to…fishermen. I’m sure they were as shocked as anyone, which probably explains why they dropped their nets and followed so quickly.
Week Two (March 13)
Today’s Bible Story: Everyone can be friends
with Jesus, even if they did something wrong. Matthew (Tax Collector) • Matthew 9:9-12
Memory Verse: “‘Come and follow me,’ Jesus said.” Matthew
4:19, NIrV
Key Question: Who can be friends with Jesus?
Bottom Line: Everyone
can be friends with Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Everyone can be friends with Jesu even if they have done something wrong. Week two, again, Jesus passes right by all of the expected friend choices, and He heads straight to Matthew, a friendless tax collector. Jesus walks right up to Matthew’s table and says, ‘Follow me.’ Matthew was probably still holding money in his hand, but he left it all and followed Jesus. One by one, Jesus was showing the world that everyone can be friends with Him, even those who have made bad choices.
Week Three (March 20)
Today’s Bible Story: Everyone can be friends
with Jesus. The Twelve • The Gospels
Memory Verse: “‘Come and follow me,’ Jesus said.” Matthew
4:19, NIrV
Key Question: Who can be friends with Jesus?
Bottom Line: Everyone
can be friends with Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Everyone can be friends with Jesus. Week three, we get a look at all twelve of Jesus’ disciples. The ones He chose. Fishmen, tax collector, betrayer… Jesus knew them all—better than they knew themselves. He knew all of their mistakes —past, present and future, and He chose them. Jesus truly does love everyone, and He wants the world to know that everyone can be friends with Him. What better messengers to spread the Good News than this ragtag group of guys.
Week Four (March 27)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus is a good friend to everyone. Feeding
5,000 • Mark
Memory Verse: “‘Come and follow me.’ Jesus said.” Matthew
4:19, NIrV
Key Question: Who can be friends with Jesus?
Bottom Line: Everyone
can be friends with Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus
wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus is a good friend to everyone. Week four, we will end the month talking about a time when Jesus fed 5,000 hungry people after they had been listening to Him teach all day. What kind of friend does that? A good friend, that’s what kind. And that’s what Jesus is. Jesus is a good friend…to everyone.